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Which Won? Animals!


Which Won? Animals!

We picked up this great card at the Comic Store West semi-annual Flea Market. The publishers, Red Duke Games, were on site to promote it.

What is it?

A card game to encourage reading in young children and to encourage discussion.

A question card is pulled and read. The players flip over their animal cards and both talk to determine which one of the two best fits the answer. Winner takes both cards.

Whoever has the most card at the end is the winner.

What we liked

Fun and re-playable

I played with The Littlest Chimera, (age 10) and she insisted we play again immediately and then again. Some of the questions made us both laugh while we pictured how to answer.

While there are 29 questions, the different cards that can be played generate a large number of possible contests, ensuring games won’t be alike.

We also liked that the winner is decided by both players who discuss and determine which animal won and why. All parties must agree.

Since the instructions are only one card long and easy to understand, the game can start immediately without ever referencing the rules again.


If we have to be picky, the back of the card box has dark purple with black writing, which is hard to read even in strong light.


The Littlest Chimera gives it 5 stars out of 5.

Which Won? Animals!

  • 2 player game

  • Ages 4 +

  • 15 minutes to play


56 cards

  • 29 question cards

  • 26 cute animal cards

  • 1 rules card

Made in Pennsylvania, USA.

Purchase at Red Duke Games