Scrum con 2020
Our first time at this one-day game convention in Silver Spring, Maryland, near the capital of the United States.
Dragon Hunt is a fantasy variant of Pirate Brawl. Eric Schlegel of The Hawks created and ran the variant. It is fast paced for a miniatures game. The players are divided into groups. 2 players run the dragons and the rest are greedy adventurers stealing dragon eggs as well as killing dragons for their body parts.
Up next, Dungeon Hack. Here, the DM is setting up the large miniatures board.
This old demon idol from the cover of AD&D’s Players Handbook gave us a twinge of Nostalgia. nice touch, DM!
One party approaches the Demon Idol, but soon a Lich will stalk them.
Dungeon Hack was a fun game. The teams of parties approach was deliberate, compared to the earlier game Dragon Hunt. It did have the Talisman feature/problem: it was hard to permanently die. While this is good to keep players in the game rather than getting kicked out early, it did prolong the game and we went over our allotted time.
Close up of the Demon Idol
Who controls the Lich?
Sometimes the good team