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Virtual Greyhawk

The Virtual Greyhawk convention is for all things Greyhawk, the Dungeons & Dragons campaign world. There are many events to choose in this world co-created by Gary Gygax. I chose to play in my favorite setting, Greyhawk Reborn for all slots.

The first game, The Monster, is my first foray in their Greyhawk by Night, sub-setting. It is geared for mature audiences and has a big disclaimer. The game master informed us at the end that each scenario takes from a pop culture movie or genre, and this one did not disappoint. It involved making hard choices, usually dilemmas of the lose-lose variety. The game was for 1st level characters only. I chose to try out Warlock, a class I had never played nor read before. I don’t want to give away any of the story so I will say if you can handle what I said above, you will enjoy this adventure.